#include#include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;string name,content;string judge;string fname,newname;string file;int main(){ cout << "1. write (append or write)"< > cmd) { if(cmd == 1) { cout << "Input the name of the file(*.txt):"; cin >> name; FILE *fp; cout << "Choose the mood(w or w+):"; cin >> judge; if(judge == "w") { if((fp=fopen(name.c_str(),"w"))!= NULL) puts("open successfully"); else { puts("Fail to open"); break; } } else if(judge == "w+") { if((fp=fopen(name.c_str(),"w+"))!=NULL) puts("open successfully"); else { puts("Fail to open"); break; } } else { cout << "Don't exist" << endl; } cout << "Enter the content:"; cin >> content; fputs(content.c_str(),fp); fclose(fp); } else if(cmd == 2) { cout << "Enter the old name:" << endl; cin >> fname; cout << "New name:"; cin >> newname; int result; result = rename(fname.c_str(),newname.c_str()); if(result == 0) { puts("Rename Successfully!"); } else { puts("Fail to rename"); } } else if(cmd == 3) { cout << "enter file name or all files(*):"; cin >> fname; if(fname == "*") { system("attrib *"); } else { string tmp = "attrib " + fname; system(tmp.c_str()); } } else if(cmd == 4) { long file; struct _finddata_t find; if((file=_findfirst("*.*",&find))==-1L) { printf("NULL\n"); exit(0); } printf("%s\n",find.name); while(_findnext(file,&find) == 0) { printf("%10s\t%5d\t%d\n",find.name,find.size,find.attrib); } _findclose(file); } else if(cmd == 5) { break; } cout << "Enter your order:"; } return 0;}